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Building a Belgian Type 97
Some old information about a conversion of an Arnold model of a Preussian T14.1.
The conversion was created in 1994-1995 predating the digital age. Therefore the information is scarce, only consisting of a pencil drawing and some old photos. However this drawing has lots of annotations with useful information.
The main problem with the original Arnold frame is that it easily breaks at the front, only 2 spots of 1 square mm carry the frame above the bogie. A bit too much hamfisted fiddling and you are done. Instead of trying to repair my broken frame I directly decided to built a new brass frame with better gearing. This loco was originally not fiNe-scale but received new wheels at later date. At the same time the Adams construction at the front was changed into a bogie. This remains to be done for the last axle.
This photo gives a view on how the new frame looks in practice with new Walschaerts components fretted from 0.5 mm steel.
These old photos clearly show where to add or cut away to arrive at the older T14 model with different sidetanks and Belgian type bunker. The back of model is actually cut off at 2.6 mm from the original end and than new brass parts are glued against the mazac base.
Annotated sketch of conversion and frame dimensions, click right and download to inspect in normal size.
List of used parts, some suppliers are no longer available.
view of the model as still around.
copyright: Henk Oversloot
original info: 1994
date: 8 jan 2013